The little girl with the long blonde hair I couldn’t help but stare She looked so h a ppy and kind To not adore her, you’d have to be blind. We were so young when we b ecame friends Is there no way to make amends? Over you, I continue to agonize Will you ever realize? When I see what you have become Towards you, my heart must not come You are no longer the girl I knew When you did ch a nge, I have no clue. You have said you are better off At this comment I can only scoff How can eleven years mean n othing When to me it meant everything. I am d oing my best to let go My pain must never show I cannot give you the satisfaction Of anything more than a stoic reaction. Each and every m o ment In the box they must seem important Where they shall sit and collect dust A ghostly memory of misplaced trust. To open this box would bring so much pai n Because the whole thing was in vain My life will never be the same And YOU are the...