Punk Rock Bands to Check Out

Bad Religion
Bad Religion is an American punk band that has been around since 1980. The singer, Greg Graffin, has a PHD and is a professor at UCLA, when he isn't playing amazing concerts. I could not narrow my suggestions to a few songs so here is a video I found with a compilation of some of their best songs. They have so many.... I have 12 albums on my phone and that isn't all of them!! They were the first concert I ever went to when I was 15. Since then, I have seen them over a dozen times and it never gets old.

Bad Religion Compilation

The Sex Pistols
The Sex Pistols were one of the first punk bands to form in the UK. The singer invited a young man that went by the name of Sid Vicious to join as their bass player. Funny thing is: he didn't even know how to play bass! A year later he met a woman named Nancy Spungen and fell in love. She unfortunately became his Heroin dealer and this caused conflict that broke the band up during their first US tour. While in New York, Sid ended up murdering Nancy and then killing himself before he could be convicted. Some of his last words were that he wanted to be with Nancy. Murder and drugs aside, the band was amazing and one of the biggest punk icons.

Never Mind The Bollocks Full Album (1977)

The Adicts
The Adicts are a very theatrical punk band from the UK. They are one of the original punk bands and still tour around the world. I got to see them at It's Not Dead Fest 2 (2017) and it was absolutely amazing. This is one of my favorite albums:

Sound Of Music Full Album

Before getting into Rancid, I think it is important to get into Operation Ivy because that was the band before they became Rancid. They are an awesome punk band with a blend of ska elements. The singer Tim Armstrong is also apart of a super-group called The Transplants. I have seen Rancid live a few times and they are amazing. And Out Came The Wolves is my FAVORITE Rancid album. 

The Interrupters
The Interrupters are a ska-punk group signed under Tim Armstrong's record label and he is featured in some of their videos. He has been mentoring them for years. I saw them live for the first time at MusInk a few years ago. Since them I've seen them probably half a dozen times. My mother even had drinks with one of the members. The singer Aimee has this intense raspiness to her voice that I love. The drummer and bassist are identical twins. Their Song Take Back The Power was featured in a T-Mobile commercial.

I could probably list bands forever but please follow the YouTube suggestions for these videos. Punk rock has SOOOO many sub-genres. I'm sure you'll find some you will like.


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