
Showing posts from March, 2018


One moment you are just a child To you, everything is a joke All of your worries are simply mild Like a toy you accidentally broke. The next moment you are being rushed In high school where your Voice is no longer hushed And your true self, you begin to explore. Then suddenly you are going out Into the real world where, You question your next route And stand only able to stare. But then you snap out of this For the future may not be clear, But you are alive and won’t miss The chance to choose your path from here

Little Lamb

___________ had a little lamb Her fleece was a deep chestnut And every word _________ spoke The lamb would repeat to wrench my gut She followed her to a party Where she met a boy Whose soul was dark and murky He played with her heart like a toy And so I sat all alone But they stood just near enough So what I heard left my mind blown Holding back tears was tough And then ran back to her and stood Together hand in hand As if she said, “you have always understood That alone I am quite bland”. “What makes the lamb love ______ so?” I can’t help but cry. “Oh _______ loves the lamb, you know,” Others reply, “And, you, each gentle animal Is so clearly blind, To how you truly care, Even though you are so kind”

Dear Parents (poem)

What can I say to make this okay What can I do to make this a better day I can’t help but think about all the times That you failed me with parental crimes You made me feel so alone And you don’t want to atone For every mistake you made That made me look to the blade My dreams were a joke to you Your insults come out of the blue Fat, ugly, stupid, worthless My self-esteem is a mess Do you know how it can feel To never be told that your love is real? And to never know if you are mad At me when I haven’t even done something bad I now live my life in fear Always more anxious than I appear